35.1 Question Test for Eve

Fill-in-the-blank with one correct answer (synapse)

Question 35.1

Douglas Fields observed that neural communication can occur outside of the , contrary to what was previously thought.

Fill-in-the-blank with multiple correct answers (analogies/metaphors)

Question 35.2

With changes in technology come changes in the used to describe the brain.

Multiple fill-in-the-blanks (Functional, blood)

Question 35.3

magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, is a technique for measuring brain activity that uses magnetic fields to track changes in cerebral flow before and after a participant engages in a mental activity.

Short Answer/Essay with feedback

Question 35.4

The following statement is incorrect. Explain why: “Research indicates that when native speakers of either English or Chinese solved an arithmetic problem, both Broca’s area and visual–spatial processing regions of the brain were active, indicating that cultural experiences do not shape brain development.”

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