Demo Page 1

Displaying figures

Figures can be configured to display in either a new browser window or a supplemental window when clicked.

Display figure in new browser window when clicked
Display figure in supp window when clicked

Likewise, a link to a figure can display in either a new browser window or a supplemental window.

Displaying links

Links to other types of resources can also be configured to display in either a new browser window or a supplemental window when clicked.

Open a pdf in either a new browser window or a supplemental window.

Open a web site in either a new browser window or a supplemental window.

Displaying references to ebook pages

By default, clicking on a reference to another ebook page will load the page in the main content window. Alternatively, you can have the page load in a supplemental window.

Clicking this page reference will load the ebook page in the main content window (this is only partially implemented in LP and does not currently work in xbooks).

Clicking this page reference will load the ebook page in a supplemental window (this works in PX).

Show Answer buttons

Show Answer buttons are typically used to display the answers to questions but they can be used in any general situation where you want to initially hide information from the user and then have it display on button click.

What is 2+2?


The button text and styling are configurable.

What is 4+4?


Glossary Terms/Footnotes

Glossary terms and footnotes can be configured to display on either mouse click or hover.

Display footnote1 on mouse hover. (NOTE: Click to make it "sticky")

Display term on mouse click.

A Second Term on mouse hover (NOTE: Clicking will not make this one sticky).

A second2 footnote on mouse click.


Hover over the question mark for a valuable tip. ?

Displaying non-figure objects in a supplemental window

We can open various objects (such as boxed features or tables) in a supplemental window.

Sample Box


This is a sample boxed feature

  1. List item one
  2. List item two
  3. List item three

[Open in Supplemental Window]

Table 14.2: Click here to open table in supplemental window
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F
1 2 1 2 1 2
3 4 3 4 3 4
5 6 5 6 5 6

Likewise, we can open links to these objects in the supplemental window. For example, see this link to the Sample Box and this one to Table 14.2.

second term
This is a second term definition