To explain your concept, consider how you would define it, examples you can provide to help readers understand it, how it is similar to or different from other related concepts, how it happens or gets done, and what its causes or effects are. Keep in mind that your goal is not only to inform your readers but also to engage their interest. The following activities provide sentence strategies you may use to explore the best ways to explain your concept, and they may also get you started drafting your essay.
Ways In
What Writing Strategies Can I Use to Explain My Focused Concept?
What are the concept’s defining characteristics? What broader class does it belong to, and how does it differ from other members of its class? (definition)
What examples or anecdotes can make the concept less abstract and more understandable? (example)
How is this concept like or unlike related concepts with which your readers may be more familiar? (comparison and contrast)
How can an explanation of this concept be divided into parts to make it easier for readers to understand? (classification)
How does this concept happen, or how does one go about doing it? (process narration)
What are this concept’s known causes or effects? (cause and effect)