WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.200 Interviewer: If you could be any famous person for a day, who would that be, and why? 2 00:00:04.500 --> 00:00:9.850 Vanja: Hm, any famous person for a day. I would be probably say, uh, Michael Jordan 3 00:00:9.850 --> 00:00:13.700 Vanja: just because, uhh, everything that he did for like basketball in the 90s was 4 00:00:13.700 --> 00:00:16.850 Vanja: really awesome and I kinda grew up watching him, so if I could be Michael Jordan 5 00:00:16.850 --> 00:00:19.500 Vanja: for a day I think that would be pretty cool