1 00:00:02,500 --> 00:00:08,500 Randall, age 37, was one of the most popular teachers in the local high school. 2 00:00:08,500 --> 00:00:13 He always had time to talk with students about their problems 3 00:00:13 --> 00:00:17 and still managed to hand back their papers on time. 4 00:00:17 --> 00:00:22,500 So it came as quite a shock to everyone when Randall suddenly changed. 5 00:00:22,500 --> 00:00:26 He began leaving the building as soon as the bell rang. 6 00:00:26 --> 00:00:33 He came to school late, spending most of the day staring out of the window instead of teaching his classes, 7 00:00:33 --> 00:00:36 and sometimes he didn’t show up at all. 8 00:00:36 --> 00:00:41 When fellow teachers stopped by to express their concern about his behavior, 9 00:00:41 --> 00:00:47,800 Randall responded by locking himself in his bedroom for the next three days. 10 00:00:47,800 --> 00:00:53 It took two weeks for hiWEBVTT 1 00:00:02.500 --> 00:00:08.500 Randall, age 37, was one of the most popular teachers in the local high school. 2 00:00:08.500 --> 00:00:13.000 He always had time to talk with students about their problems 3 00:00:13.000 --> 00:00:17.000 and still managed to hand back their papers on time. 4 00:00:17.000 --> 00:00:22.500 So it came as quite a shock to everyone when Randall suddenly changed. 5 00:00:22.500 --> 00:00:26.000 He began leaving the building as soon as the bell rang. 6 00:00:26.000 --> 00:00:33.000 He came to school late, spending most of the day staring out of the window instead of teaching his classes, 7 00:00:33.000 --> 00:00:36.000 and sometimes he didn’t show up at all. 8 00:00:36.000 --> 00:00:41.000 When fellow teachers stopped by to express their concern about his behavior, 9 00:00:41.000 --> 00:00:47.800 Randall responded by locking himself in his bedroom for the next three days. 10 00:00:47.800 --> 00:00:53.000 It took two weeks for his family to get him admitted to the local hospital 11 00:00:53.000 --> 00:00:59.000 and by then the psychiatrist diagnosed Randall as suffering from major depression. 12 00:00:59.000 --> 00:01:06.500 The psychiatrist tried a series of antidepressant medications, but Randall didn’t respond to any of them. 13 00:01:06.500 --> 00:01:11.500 So the psychiatrist put Randall on an intensive treatment plan 14 00:01:11.500 --> 00:01:17.000 that included three therapy sessions per week over a four-week period. 14 00:01:17.000 --> 00:01:24.000 At each of these sessions Randall received a muscle relaxant and a general anesthetic. 15 00:01:24.000 --> 00:01:31.000 While Randall was unconscious, an electric current was passed through one side of his brain, 16 00:01:31.000 --> 00:01:34.500 producing a seizure that lasted about a minute. 17 00:01:34.500 --> 00:01:40.500 When Randall regained consciousness after each session, he had no memory of the treatment. 18 00:01:40.500 --> 00:01:45.200 Like most depressed individuals who undergo this type of therapy, 19 00:01:45.200 --> 00:01:50.000 Randall began showing improvement after about two weeks of treatment. 20 00:01:50.000 --> 00:01:55.000 Six months later, Randall had returned to his teaching position at the high school. s family to get him admitted to the local hospital 11 00:00:53 --> 00:00:59 and by then the psychiatrist diagnosed Randall as suffering from major depression. 12 00:00:59 --> 00:01:06,500 The psychiatrist tried a series of antidepressant medications, but Randall didn’t respond to any of them. 13 00:01:06,500 --> 00:01:11,500 So the psychiatrist put Randall on an intensive treatment plan 14 00:01:11,500 --> 00:01:17 that included three therapy sessions per week over a four-week period. 14 00:01:17 --> 00:01:24 At each of these sessions Randall received a muscle relaxant and a general anesthetic. 15 00:01:24 --> 00:01:31 While Randall was unconscious, an electric current was passed through one side of his brain, 16 00:01:31 --> 00:01:34,500 producing a seizure that lasted about a minute. 17 00:01:34,500 --> 00:01:40,500 When Randall regained consciousness after each session, he had no memory of the treatment. 18 00:01:40,500 --> 00:01:45,200 Like most depressed individuals who undergo this type of therapy, 19 00:01:45,200 --> 00:01:50 Randall began showing improvement after about two weeks of treatment. 20 00:01:50 --> 00:01:55 Six months later, Randall had returned to his teaching position at the high school.