WEBVTT 1 00:00:04.000 --> 00:00:09.500 From the beginning of recorded history, humans have been interested 2 00:00:09.500 --> 00:00:18.000 in trying to understand how and why we think, feel, and act the way we do. 3 00:00:19.000 --> 00:00:22.000 How do we perceive the world around us? 4 00:00:22.400 --> 00:00:24.000 Why do we dream? 5 00:00:25.000 --> 00:00:27.000 How do we learn and remember? 6 00:00:28.000 --> 00:00:33.000 What motivates a person to behave one way instead of another? 7 00:00:33.500 --> 00:00:43.000 Psychology, the science of behavior and mental processes, is a young science with ancient roots. 8 00:00:43.000 --> 00:00:48.500 As an academic discipline, it is less than two hundred years old. 9 00:00:48.500 --> 00:00:57.000 But psychology did not just emerge in the 1800s fully formed as the product of one or two great minds. 10 00:00:57.000 --> 00:01:03.000 Instead, the questions that psychology asks and the methods it uses 11 00:01:03.000 --> 00:01:10.000 have evolved over many centuries and draw on many academic disciplines. 12 00:01:10.000 --> 00:01:17.000 In this activity you will construct a simplified timeline of the history of psychology 13 00:01:17.000 --> 00:01:25.000 matching some of the key individuals with their contributions and the approximate dates of those contributions 14 00:01:25.000 --> 00:01:30.600 Try not to feel overwhelmed by the specific names and dates. 15 00:01:30.600 --> 00:01:38.000 The more important thing is to get a sense of the flow of ideas that led to modern psychology.