Relaxation Audio Download

Based on highly successful communication research on the relief of common pre-performance speech anxiety, the Relaxation Audio Download takes the listener through a series of techniques that encourage self-confidence through positive visualization. This 8-minute Relaxation Audio Download can be listened to anytime on your computer, iPod, or any other portable MP3 player. For best effect, begin listening to the Relaxation Audio Download several days before you deliver your speech to an audience.

To use the Relaxation Audio Download, you need a way to play MP3 files. Try clicking the "Relaxation Audio Download" link below. If it begins playing, you already have a compatible program. If it doesn't, download one of the many free players available on the Web.

Windows users: Winamp Basic, Apple iTunes, and Windows Media Player are some of the many players available for Windows users. Review their system requirements before downloading.

Macintosh users: Apple iTunes is a free download for Macintosh users.

Users of portable MP3 players: Follow the instructions that came with your device for setting up your player and adding files. Many players require that you install specific software included with the device to add or remove files.

To play any type of sound file, your computer will need a sound card connected to either speakers or earphones.