One way to improve your communication competence is by adapting your messages to others’ behaviors. Learn how to better handle cross-cultural communication situations by completing the How to Communicate video activity below.
You’re assigned to a group project with several classmates from collectivist, low emotion-display, and high power-distance cultures. The group chooses one of them, Lily, as group leader. At your first meeting, Lily begins by suggesting a topic for the project. All the other group members immediately agree. This makes you angry because you had a different idea that you were excited about and wanted the group to pursue.
The advice below illustrates how to communicate in a way that recognizes the cultural preferences of Lily and the other group members. This includes factors like power distance, collectivism, and emotion displays. As you watch the video, consider how the dialogue reflects each cultural factor. Then, test your knowledge of key skills, and create your own responses to the What if? video prompts on the next page.
OPENLY SUPPORT LILY’S AUTHORITY AS GROUP LEADER, even though you may see her as an “equal” rather than someone who has power over you. (“I’m glad you were selected to be our group leader. I think you’ll do a great job overseeing everything.”)
AVOID AN OPEN DISPLAY OF ANGER, instead keeping your face neutral or smiling, and complimenting her on the quality of her idea. (“I like your idea for the project—it’s really smart.”)
SUPPORT THE GROUP SENTIMENT, even though it may mean sacrificing your own desires. (“As there is obviously a consensus, I’m happy to support what everyone else in the group wants to do.”)
QUESTION: Which cultural influence is Paul acknowledging when he says, “I’m happy to support what everyone else in the group wants to do”?
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |