How to Communicate



image One way to improve your communication competence is by adapting your messages to others’ behaviors. Learn how to handle hostile group members by completing the How to Communicate video activity below.


You are leading a group at work that is in charge of launching a new line of juices targeted at busy moms. This is your first leadership position at work and there have been a lot of delays, which is stressing your teammates. During a weekly status meeting, one member, Tim, complains about a lack of progress during meetings.


The advice below illustrates how you can actively listen to the complaint while also keeping in mind the entire team’s goals and needs. As you watch the video, consider how competent communication skills like self-awareness, empathy, and collaboration result in a more productive interaction. Then, test your knowledge of key skills, and create your own responses to the What if? video prompts on the next page.

image BE SELF-AWARE and suppress any defensive nonverbal reactions (teeth-clenching, arm- crossing, or eye-rolling) while Tim is stating his concerns.

image LISTEN to Tim’s complaint without interrupting. Ask questions to gather specific details about why he is upset. (“I’m not really sure what you mean by ‘waste of time.’ How has our meeting time seemed unproductive to you?”)

image EXPRESS EMPATHY for Tim’s concern by respectfully acknowledging his feelings about the situation. (“I realize how frustrating this is for you, particularly because we’ve had some unavoidable delays. I can imagine you’re getting some pressure.”)

image USE COLLABORATION to ask Tim what he would like to see happen. As a group, negotiate a mutually agreeable action or solution. (“How can we make sure our market research is comprehensive and still move things along?”)

QUESTION: How does Tim’s boss try to find common ground when taking a collaborative approach to his complaint?


Chapter 12: QUESTION: How does Tim’s boss try to find common ground when taking a collaborative approach to his complaint?