image But what if things don’t work out as shown? Using emotional appeals can be tricky, as there is a fine line between too much and too little. Test your ability to adapt your communication by watching the What if? videos and planning a course of action for each situation below.


When you overly rely on your personal story (“This would never happen in our bakery. After two or three visits, you’ll be greeted by name. You become a part of the family”), how can you maintain your credibility with the audience?

Chapter 17: When you overly rely on your personal story (“This would never happen in our bakery. After two or three visits, you’ll be greeted by name. You become a part of the family”), how can you maintain your credibility with the audience?


What can you do if you don’t actually feel the emotion you want your audience feel?

Chapter 17: What can you do if you don’t actually feel the emotion you want your audience feel?