Use the Chain Rule to find the derivative of
The given function can be expressed as the composition º where (referred to as the "outside" function) and (referred to as the "inside" function).
Recall the chain rule for differentiating º.
In other words, the chain rule states that the derivative of the composition of functions h and g is the derivative of the outside function evaluated at the 9F4CWyz+4X3TuYfu7Uvfp3tOG9U= function times the derivative of the 9F4CWyz+4X3TuYfu7Uvfp3tOG9U= function.
Now in order to use the chain rule, we need h'(u) evaluated at g(x) and we need g'(x).
Find h'(u) and evaluate it at g(x).
a = XvVM00l89Is= and b = s0a3+lanu0A=
c = nc1ItEz0kR4= and d = 607M7xmPORU=
Find g'(x).
j = nc1ItEz0kR4= and k = XvVM00l89Is=
Substitute and appropriately in the chain rule to find the derivative of º where and .
m = V3jQIK3TPW4=, n = iSba6t70dtA= and p = s0a3+lanu0A=