The answer to this question has to do with something you may recall from Chapter 2—
Imagine you are a developmental psychologist who wants to find out whether adolescent boys and girls differ in their self-
Careful readers will have already picked up on the idea that you could have gathered much more useful information by assigning numbers to the variable of self-
Statistics refers simultaneously to three things. First, statistics is a field of study; statisticians are mathematicians who focus on analyzing large sets of numbers to extract meaning from them. Second, a statistic is a number that describes some aspect of a larger set of numbers. For instance, the statistic that describes the average of a sample of numbers is the mean, whereas the statistic that tells us the middlemost score in a set of scores is the median (as in “median family income”). Third, statistics is a mathematical tool for helping scientists describe and make inferences about data. The purpose of this appendix is to introduce you to some of the statistical methods researchers use to describe data and draw inferences based on them. The first section will focus on descriptive statistics, or mathematical techniques geared toward helping scientists summarize their data. Then you will be introduced to inferential statistics, or mathematical techniques that enable scientists to make inferences about populations based on data collected from samples.