memory three-stage memory model sensory memory iconic memory echoic memory short-term memory encoding attentional effort decay interference proactive interference retroactive interference serial position effect rehearsal depth of processing working memory long-term memory semantic memory episodic memory procedural memory explicit memory implicit memory consolidation retrieval knowledge representation semantic network model priming parallel distributed processing (PDP) embodied cognition false memory eyewitness memory flashbulb memory autobiographical memory chunking mnemonics long-term potentiation spatial memory | Vivid memory of unexpected, highly emotional, and significant events. The experience of “remembering” an event that, in reality, never occurred. The access of information that has been stored in long-term memory. The process through which information is transferred from sensory memory to short-term memory and, in the transfer, converted from physical stimulation to conceptual information (i.e., ideas). Sensory memory of visual images. A short-term memory impairment that occurs when material learned earlier impairs memory for material learned later. Failure to retain information in short-term memory that occurs when material learned earlier or later prevents its retention. The mental system that stores knowledge for extended periods of time. The format in which knowledge in long-term memory is retained, and in which elements of that knowledge are interconnected. Memory for factual information. Your memory of facts and experiences from your own life. Conscious recall of previously encountered information or experience. The degree to which people think about meaningful rather than superficial aspects of presented information. A conceptual model of knowledge representation in which long-term memory consists of simple processing units that turn on and off; concepts are represented by patterns of activation in large numbers of units. A memory system that enables people to keep a limited amount of information actively in mind for brief periods of time. The fading of information from short-term memory. A strategy for increasing the amount of information retained in short-term memory in which distinct pieces of information are grouped into “chunks.” A set of interrelated systems that both store and manipulate information; its three components are the phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, and central executive. The strategy of repeating information to retain it in short-term memory. Memory for how to perform behaviors. Task performance that is affected by previous information or experience, even if the prior material is not explicitly remembered. Strategies for enhancing memory, in particular by organizing information in a manner that aids recall. The ability to recall the layout of one’s physical environment. A transformation of information in long-term memory from a fragile state, in which information can be lost, to a more fixed state in which it is available relatively permanently. Memory for events that are personally observed (rather than being learned of second-hand, through conversation or reading). Sensory memory for sound. A conceptual model of knowledge representation in which parts of the mind previously thought to participate only in relatively simple mental activities, such as perceiving an event, also contribute to complex thought and memory. The capacity to retain knowledge. A short-term memory impairment that occurs when material learned later impairs memory for material learned earlier. The tendency to display superior recall for items positioned at the beginning or end of a list rather than in the middle. An enduring increase in the efficiency of communication between brain cells. Focusing attention on a stimulus in the environment; concentration. A conceptual model of knowledge representation in which long-term memory consists of a large set of individual concepts connected to one another. Memory that is based on the workings of sensory systems. A conceptual depiction of the memory system in which information is said to be stored in any of three storage systems: sensory memory, short-term memory, or long-term memory. The presentation of information (a “prime”) that activates a concept stored in memory. Memory for events you have experienced. |