Though you would describe yourself as outgoing, there are situations in which your confidence decreases and you therefore appear very shy. This situational variability in your outward behavior highlights the need for personality psychologists to distinguish between _____ and _____, that is, between the stable traits and dynamic qualities of people.
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In a flash of insight, you realize that the reason you’re being so nice to your sister is that you feel guilty for having secretly wished her bad luck earlier. This insight was possible due to the fact that the _____ is/are partly available to consciousness.
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According to Freud, fixation is caused by either too much gratification or too little gratification at a given stage of development. This suggests that, theoretically, fixation
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Allie claims that Bruce has a big crush on her and she goes to great lengths to demonstrate how much she dislikes him. She is likely engaging in the defense mechanisms of _____ and _____ to protect herself from the possibility that she is sexually attracted to him.
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Which of the following is untrue of projective tests?
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Discrepancies between the actual and ideal self cause distress, but theoretically they may also motivate us to
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Why would Freud not be interested in using the Q-
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Research on cultural differences in self-
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According to the logic behind the use of factor analysis, if people who score high on the trait altruistic also score high on the traits trusting and modest, then
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Recent research on the Big Five using the statistical technique network analysis indicates that
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Research on the differences in cortical arousal of introverts and extraverts suggests that
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Unlike _____, who believed that personality development was largely fixed by age 6, _____ stressed the idea that individuals have personal agency, and can influence the course of their development throughout their lives.
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The importance of self-
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Implicit measures such as the implicit association test are based on the logic that
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Research using the if … then … procedure for assessing personality in context indicated that children differed from one another in the situations that provoked aggression. Which aspect of trait theory does this finding call into question?
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