A comprehensive Web resource for teaching and learning psychology, LaunchPad combines Worth Publishers’ award-
LaunchPad to Accompany Psychology can be previewed as well as purchased at www.macmillanhighered.com/
Psychology and LaunchPad can be ordered together with
LaunchPad for Psychology includes all the following resources:
The LearningCurve quizzing system was designed based on the latest findings from learning and memory research. It combines adaptive question selection, immediate and valuable feedback, and a game-
An interactive e-
Concept Practice, created by award-
Video Activities include more than 100 engaging video modules that instructors can easily assign and customize for student assessment. Videos cover classic experiments, current news footage, and cutting-
Labs offer an interactive experience that fortifies the most important concepts and content of introductory psychology. In these activities, students participate in classic and contemporary experiments, generating real data and reviewing the broader implications of those findings. A virtual host makes this a truly interactive experience.
The Scientific American Newsfeed delivers weekly articles, podcasts, and news briefs on the very latest developments in psychology from the first name in popular science journalism.
Deep integration is available between LaunchPad products and Blackboard. These deep integrations offer educators single sign-
The CourseSmart e-
The Horse That Won’t Go Away by Thomas E. Heinzen, Scott O. Lilienfeld, and Susan A. Nolan is an engaging and accessible introduction to the need for psychological science. Starting with the strange case of Clever Hans, the horse that could count and do math, the authors take the reader on a tour of cases where science triumphed over self-
Pursuing Human Strengths: A Positive Psychology Guide by Martin Bolt of Calvin College is a perfect way to introduce students to the amazing field of positive psychology as well as their own personal strengths.
Psychology and the Real World: Essays Illustrating Fundamental Contributions to Society, Second Edition, is a superb collection of essays by major researchers that describe their landmark studies. Published in association with the not-
Take advantage of our most popular supplements!
Worth Publishers is pleased to offer cost-
Psychology & LaunchPad Access Card
Psychology & i>Clicker
Psychology & Psychology and the Real World, Second Edition
Worth Publishers supports multiple Course Management Systems with enhanced cartridges for upload into Blackboard, Angel, Desire2Learn, Sakai, and Moodle. Cartridges are provided free upon adoption of Psychology and can be downloaded from Worth’s online catalog at www.worthpublishers.com. Deep integration is also available between LaunchPad products and Blackboard, Brightspace by D2L, and Canvas. These deep integrations offer educators single sign-
The Computerized Test Bank powered by Diploma includes a full assortment of questions totaling over 2500 items. This includes an array of multiple-
The i>Clicker Classroom Response System is a versatile polling system developed by educators for educators that makes class time more efficient and interactive. i>Clicker allows you to ask questions and instantly record your students’ responses, take attendance, and gauge students’ understanding and opinions. i>Clicker is available at a 10% discount when packaged with Psychology.
Interactive Presentation Slides are another great way to introduce Worth’s dynamic media into the classroom without lots of advance preparation. Each presentation covers a major topic in psychology and integrates Worth’s high-
The Instructor’s Resource Manual features a variety of materials that are valuable to new and veteran teachers alike. In addition to background on the chapter reading and suggestions for in-
The Video Anthology for Introductory Psychology includes over 150 unique video clips to bring lectures to life. Provided complimentary to adopters of Psychology, this rich collection includes clinical footage, interviews, animations, and news segments that vividly illustrate topics across the psychology curriculum.
Faculty Lounge is an online forum provided by Worth Publishers where teachers can find and share favorite teaching ideas and materials, including videos, animations, images, PowerPoint slides, news stories, articles, Web links, and lecture activities. Sign up to browse the site or upload your favorite materials for teaching psychology at www.worthpublishers.com/