
Come up with a list of adjectives or descriptive terms (sensory, emotional, aspirational) that describe your organization. Come up with a brief description of your organization’s mission and values. What kind of change is your organization out to create?

Create a generic PACT chart for your organization. What is the overall context your organization exists in? Who are the people who will interact with the organization’s texts outside of the members of the organization? What is the overall purpose of the organization? What types of texts will they create?

Search for similar organizations and analyze their corporate identities for inspiration. If you can’t find organizations exactly like yours, try to find some that share at least some elements of your PACT chart. Some may even have corporate identity style guides online (one example is shown in the Background Texts section). Think about how their graphic designs connect to the organizations’ core missions.

In a word processor, type out your organization’s name (and tagline, if you have one), and then copy and paste it to create ten copies on the same page. Select each one individually and change the name and tagline to a new font. Print the page (or pages) out and look at each version. Pick the three best versions and show them to your roommates, peer critique group, or friends. Ask them to give you two or three adjectives or descriptive terms for each one to see whether any of them align with your organization’s values.

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