
Alzheimer’s Society, “Bringing Our Brand to Life” booklet. Reprinted by permission of Alzheimer’s Society.

Center for Information Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), Quick Facts--Youth Voting. Reprinted by permission of CIRCLE.

La Cienega Farmers’ Market newsletter, Fall 2012. Reprinted by permission.

Clarkson University. “Acceptable Use Guidelines for Computer and Network Facilities” from Clarkson University. Reprinted by permission.

Marcia Goodrich, “Scientists ID Genes that Could Lead to Tough, Disease-Resistant Varieties of Rice” from Michigan Tech News site, March 31, 2014. Reprinted by permission of Michigan Technological University.

Josh Higgins, “Student Turnout to Affect November Election,” Collegiate Times, April 11, 2012. Reprinted by permission.

Daniel Lanois with Keisha Kalfin, “The Walking Multitrack,” from Daniel Lanois, Soul Mining: A Musical Life, pp. 171-173. Reprinted by permission.

Alice Levitt, “Taste Test: Review of Maple City Diner in St. Albans,” April 10, 2013. Reprinted by permission of Seven Days Newspaper.

Cameron Alexis Meyer, “Internet takes away personal touch of handwritten letter,” The Daily Cougar, February 20, 2014. Reprinted by permission of the author.

Pew Research Center. Excerpt (pp. 1-5, Summary of Findings) from Pew Report, “Parents, Teens, and Online Privacy,” Nov. 20, 2012. Reprinted by permission.

Rock the Vote, “Winning Young Voters: New Media Tactics,” June 2008. Reprinted by permission of Rock the Vote.

Rubber Design screenshots. Copyright © Rubber Design. Reprinted by permission.

Douglas Rushkoff, “Which One of These Sneakers Is Me? How Marketers Outsmart Our Media-Savvy Children” from London Times, April 13, 2009. Reprinted by permission of the author.

Rafi Shaik and Ramakrishna Wusirika, “Machine Learning Approaches Distinguish Multiple Stress Conditions using Stress-Responsive Genes and Identify Candidate Genes for Broad Resistance in Rice,” Plant Physiology 164(1): 481–495. Copyright © 2014 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted by permission.

Linell Smith. From “The Art of Poetry” by Linell Smith, Goucher Quarterly Winter 2014 issue, pp. 16-21. Reprinted by permission.

University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology, “Choose Your Own Adventure” podcast. University of Kentucky, College of Arts & Sciences/Patrick O’Dowd.

Western Illinois University. Facebook page for Western Illinois University student group “Western Against Slavery.” Reprinted by permission.

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