Ordinarily, textbooks are developed by first writing chapters, then making decisions about art and images, and finally assembling a test bank and ancillaries. Eric Chiang writes the text, develops the visual program, and assembles the resources for the homework system at the same time. These threads come together for a complete learning program, with every element integrated by the author himself.
Throughout his academic career, Eric Chiang has conducted a great deal of research on pedagogy in economic education. Much of this research has focused on increasing student retention and engagement, which inspired him to create
along with co-
can be used with any combination of textbook and resources, it’s an ideal solution for Economics, Fourth Edition, instructors simply looking to better prepare their students for class time and “flip” their level of engagement.
Animated prelecture tutorials provide a base-
Straightforward animations provide information in an engaging format without distraction.
Information is “chunked” into short, easily remembered segments.
Embedded questions and a pacing system put learning in the students’ hands.
Bridge questions are designed to inform an instructor of students’ level of understanding before lecture as well as lead to discussion, review, use of iClickers, or another activity during lecture. They “bridge” prelecture time to lecture time.
Students first answer a question designed to either be open-
Students then must explain the rationale behind their answer, allowing the instructor a deep level of insight into their understanding.
Once students have completed the Prelectures and Bridges, an instructor can assign Problems as either practice or post-
Each unit has between 30–
features the most author-
, including a collection of new activities designed to augment in-
for Economics: Principles for a Changing World, Fourth Edition, includes:
Complete e-
quizzes, e-
NEW! Expanded Author Videos This hugely popular feature now provides concise and engaging explanations for nearly every chapter along with assessment, including new coverage of health care and the Affordable Care Act.
NEW! Digitized CourseTutor One of the most notable features of CoreEconomics from its first edition, the CourseTutor study guide has now been brought into
as part of the course units.
: Adaptive, formative quizzing,
’s game-
Just as apps are continuously updated and improved,
now features the first in a series of updates to continually improve the user experience.
Customizable format allows instructors to tailor quizzes to the exact content they are teaching.
Accessible format was redone in compliance with WCAG2.0 AA standards for users with disabilities.
New design emphasizes useful study tools, like the personalized study plan, links to the e-
◂ NEW! Math and Graphing Review is a critically important new
resource created by a team of instructors for students who would benefit from a review of basic math and graphing—
▸ NEW! Work It Out activities are skill-
provides instructors with the following resources:
Test Bank contains more than 4,000 carefully constructed, thoroughly edited and revised, and comprehensively accuracy-
Graded Homework Assignments Each
unit concludes with a pre-
Gradebook offers clear feedback to students and instructors on individual assignments and on performance in the course as a whole.
LMS Integration ensures that
is easily integrated into a school’s learning management system and that an instructor’s gradebook and roster are always in sync.
Instructor’s Teaching Manual is the ideal resource for many classroom teaching styles. The Teaching Manual focuses on expanding and enlivening classroom lectures by highlighting varied ways to bring real-
Lecture Slides are designed with visual learning in mind. This set of slides contains fully animated graphs, visual learning images, and additional examples and created links. Economics, Fourth Edition, is the only principles of economics textbook with slides created by the author.
Also available for instructors and students:
saplinglearning.com Online homework system that helps students get better grades with targeted instructional feedback tailored to each individual’s responses. It also helps instructors spend less time preparing for and managing a course by providing personalized classroom support from a doctorate-
econedactive.com EconED Active is a community focused on curating the best open source active learning content aligned to key topics in principles of economics. Find everything from classroom activities to experiments, to new ways of presenting topics. Rate and share ideas and connect with other instructors passionate about teaching.
community.macmillan.com Worth Economics partners with authors, instructors, and students to pioneer a complete learning experience. Our Economics Community is an outlet for you to interact with some of the thought leaders of economics education, follow their latest work, and share your own experiences in teaching and learning.