Principles for a Changing World

Developed by Eric Chiang’s experiences teaching thousands of students around the world.

Today’s students are bombarded by information from many sources. To apply economic thinking to this constant flow of data, students must recognize differences in perspective. The most effective instructors are flexible, using different channels and methods to present information from different economic perspectives. Economics: Principles for a Changing World is designed to give you the tools to do so.

Technology as a Tool for Success

Students are accustomed to using technology to learn, just as modern economists use technology for research. It stands to reason that the technology portion of this fourth edition should be just as integral as the textbook itself.

  • image The only system designed for pre-lecture and ideal for active learning. Eric Chiang is the only principles author to have also authored an online learning system.

  • image Groundbreaking homework system created as part of the fourth edition, with content from the author and used in his own classes.

  • CourseTutor The most comprehensive study guide in economics, now in a digital format within LaunchPad and tied to Chiang’s signature author videos.

Data Literacy

Data can be used to support any number of stories. By the Numbers features and their accompanying exercises focus on helping students to read and understand data, instilling a critical eye to the data presented in daily life.

Global Perspective

Most principles texts simply seek to provide an international context for economic principles. The Around the World features help students recognize that people all over the world are faced with many of the same economic problems, yet seek to solve these challenges in different ways.


Three themes integrated in every chapter with By the Numbers infographics, Around the World features, and LaunchPad activity callouts.

Expanded video program with an author video for every chapter, including new coverage of health care and the Affordable Care Act.

New coverage of the central importance of economic growth in Chapter 7, “Economic Growth.”

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