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When you share private information with others, you open up your innermost self to them. Such sharing, known as self-
In season 2 of the award-
In The Affair, Cole must share his past struggles and feelings with Luisa in order for their relationship to grow and deepen. How have such personal disclosures influenced relationships with lovers, friends, and coworkers in your life?
It’s been awhile since I’ve had someone I care about, so I wanted to come here and apologize. I was trying to hurt you; I was trying to get you out of my house; and as soon as you walked out that door, I wanted you back. Look, I can’t promise that I’ll be the best thing that ever happens to you, but I promise that I will never hurt you like that again, and I am good for my word, Luisa, you can ask anyone! There’s one other thing: Te amo tambien (I love you too). (Season 2, Episode 7)
We’ve all been in situations in which people have shared information with us that clarified who they are and how they feel. Similarly, we’ve all had the experience of feeling compelled to seek people out and share with them our innermost selves. Such instances illustrate the essential role of interpersonal communication in creating and sustaining relationships. When people disclose their innermost thoughts to each other, they forge a strong emotional bond, and sometimes, like Cole and Luisa, find their way to the realization of mutual love.