Through group brainstorming, a team focuses on generating as many ideas as possible to solve a defined problem. This approach is often integrated with step three of the structured problem-
Encourage wild ideas. Even far-
Avoid judging ideas. Strive to generate as many ideas as possible without judging them. Premature judging—
Quantity is important. The more ideas a group can generate, the greater raw material it has as the basis for designing a good solution.
Combine and elaborate on ideas. Blend together ideas offered by group members, and build on them to generate new ideas. For instance, another student might build on the vampire theme by recommending that the blood drive be scheduled in late October to include a Halloween theme (minus the live bats!).
Building on Osborn’s original recommendations, recent studies have shown that a group brainstorming session can be enhanced if the individual members write their ideas privately before the discussion and then post them for other teammates to view. This helps trigger additional thoughts in the other members, which they can contribute during the group brainstorming discussion (Brown & Paulus, 2002).
Group brainstorming does, however, have some limitations. If team members feel overwhelmed by the volume of ideas being offered, they may stop expressing their own ideas. Or if they’re afraid others will judge them or their ideas, they may avoid making contributions. In some cases, individuals might just be lazy and let others do all the thinking (Sawyer, 2007).
If you’re leading or taking part in a brainstorming group, you can help combat these potential downfalls. How? Share Osborn’s four guidelines with the entire group before starting a brainstorming session. If you hear any criticism occurring during a brainstorming session, remind group members that the goal is to generate lots of ideas without judging them. Finally, encourage all members to participate to avoid social loafing during the session.