Becoming a Socially Conscious Consumer
By Jacob Hahn
• Jacob uses a recent event that gained a lot of media attention to immediately engage his audience. He also orally cites the source of his data to help build credibility. How else does Jacob demonstrate credibility throughout the speech?
It started with a few cracks in the wall. • But then, on April 24, 2013, it became the worst disaster in the history of the garment industry. According to BBC News, on that day the Rana Plaza garment factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh, completely collapsed, leading to the deaths of over 1,100 people.
• Jacob is using the motivated sequence to organize his speech. This section represents the Attention step, in which he gives his audience a reason to listen.
Along with the bodies, bricks, and garments left in the rubble, questions remained about who was to blame for the tragedy. • Sure, there were the obvious culprits—
• To make this topic relevant to his listeners, Jacob directly states how it relates to them. This enhances their interest and encourages them to take the central route to processing the speech message.
The thousands of miles that separate us from tragedies like this can make them seem unrelated to our everyday lives. But what if they are not? What if, by purchasing the products these companies make, individuals such as you and me are also somewhat responsible for what happened? •
• Jacob’s straightforward thesis statement tells his audience exactly what he wants them to take away from the speech.
As we'll see today, there is evidence to support the idea that consumers and companies share a responsibility to ensure safer conditions for factory workers. This is why I encourage all of you to become socially conscious consumers and help convince companies to adopt ethical manufacturing standards. Being a socially conscious consumer means being aware of the issues communities face worldwide and actively trying to correct them. •
• This is where Jacob begins the Need step of the motivated sequence.
Why would companies do business with factories that allow dangerous working conditions? • It's actually quite simple: Corporations want bigger profit margins. The cheaper the production costs, the more money they make when the product sells. And since consumers show more interest in buying lower-
• Throughout the speech, Jacob uses personal pronouns to build goodwill with his audience. Using simple and familiar language also makes it easier to listen to his speech.
• As part of the Satisfaction step in the motivated sequence, Jacob explains how he plans to meet the needs discussed earlier.
But there is a way to break this cycle of cheap labor and deadly working conditions. You, me, all of us as consumers, must be willing to step up and take an active role in the system. • We can do this in two ways: First, we can pressure companies to improve working conditions for factory laborers, and second, we can pay fairer prices. • Some consumer groups are now signaling their willingness to do this, and corporations are responding.
• Jacob introduces a new term by clearly defining it and orally citing a credible source for the definition.
The force behind this new kind of partnership is called “cause-
The fact that large numbers of consumers are concerned enough about fairness to pay more for products is key to solving the problems that surround the ethical manufacture of clothing. Corporations can appeal to this group of socially conscious consumers, as they are called, by addressing concerns about ethical manufacturing. What do corporations gain by meeting these concerns? It allows them to charge more for their products while also raising their profit margins and improving their brand image. This means that as socially conscious consumers, we can set the standards that corporations must meet if they wish to maximize their profit from our purchasing power.
• This brief question serves as a transitional phrase to the Visualization step of the motivated sequence, which helps the audience see how change is possible.
• Jacob uses analogic reasoning by providing a similar example of how well the Fair Trade model has worked in the coffee and chocolate industry.
You may find yourself asking, Can this actually work? • The answer is a simple yes. In both the food and apparel industries, calls for changes in working conditions led to the now widely known nonprofit organization Fair Trade USA. According to its Web site, Fair Trade USA is an organization that seeks “to inspire the rise of the [socially] Conscious Consumer and eliminate exploitation” worldwide. • If products are stamped with the Fair Trade logo, it means the farmers and workers who created those products were fairly treated and justly compensated through an internationally established price.
• From his audience analysis, Jacob learned that many of his classmates shop at and respect these two businesses. Thus, this example is very familiar to listeners.
Fair Trade USA made its mark in the food industry through its relationship to coffee production in third-
• Jacob uses a direct quote here to support his point that things can change. The repetition of the opening example also makes the speech more coherent.
Appealing to high ethical standards is often directly related to preventing tragedies like the one that occurred in Bangladesh. After the factory collapsed, the major apparel sellers faced intense criticism over their lax labor practices. In response, these companies are now much more interested in establishing their products as Fair Trade to meet socially conscious consumer standards. For example, as Jason Burke, Saad Hammadi, and Simon Neville report in the May 13, 2013, edition of the Guardian, major fashion chains like H&M, Zara, C&A, Tesco, and Primark have pledged to help raise the standards for working conditions. • According to the article, they will be helping to “finance fire safety and building improvements in the factories they use in Bangladesh.”
• The Action step is the most important aspect of the motivated sequence. Jacob provides two clear ways his audience can participate and create actual change. Do you think he is proposing realistic actions for his audience to take? What other actions could he suggest?
So, what exactly can you do to help bring about ethical labor practices within the clothing industry? The two steps I encourage you to take are these: Become informed, and ask questions about what you're buying—
To be informed, go to Web sites such as,, and, which list and sell products from clothing manufacturers who have worked to meet the Fair Trade conditions. This list grows monthly, and by supporting these companies through your purchases, you can become a socially conscious consumer.
• Jacob appeals to the ego needs of his audience by explaining how they can show concern for others when making purchases.
Additionally, ask questions of other retailers. Whether you shop online or at local retail stores, ask direct questions before purchasing clothes—
Although several factors contributed to the tragedy in Bangladesh, there is one clear way to help prevent future disasters: become a socially conscious consumer. By being informed and asking questions, you, too, can make a difference in the lives of workers around the world.
BBC News. (2013, May 23). Bangladesh factory collapse probe uncovers abuses. BBC. Retrieved from
Burke, J., Hammadi, S., & Neville, S. (2013, May 13). Fashion chains sign accord to help finance safety in Bangladesh factories. The Guardian. Retrieved from
Cheng, A. (2013, June 20). MarketWatch: Fair trade fashion gaining momentum after Bangladesh incidents. Retrieved from
Coffee. (n.d.). Retrieved from
“Fair Trade” helps “free trade” work for the poor. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Financial Times Lexicon. (n.d.). Cause-
Hossain, E., & Jamieson, D. (2013, May 2). Bangladesh garment industry leader says blame for tragedies lies with western retailers. Huffington Post. Retrieved from
Moore, B. (2011, November 1). Has campaigning for an ethical fashion industry had any impact? The Guardian. Retrieved from
Nielsen. (2012, June 27). Successful brands care: The case for cause marketing. Retrieved from
What type of reasoning does Jacob use in his speech? Do you think this was the best choice? Why or why not?