In addition to recognizing the link between communication choices and outcomes, your communication competence will be boosted by learning the connections that exist between the different types of communication. Yes, communicating face-
Throughout this book, we will provide you with numerous examples illustrating the connections between different communication types. For instance, you’ll see how determining your communication purpose is important whether you’re planning a group meeting or preparing a speech, realize how the skills used for managing interpersonal conflict can help when problems arise in teams, and discover that sharing appropriate and relevant information about yourself (known as self-
But perhaps even more important than these specific points of connection is the fact that your communication and your communication skills connect you to other human beings. Communication is your primary vehicle for exchanging meaning, achieving goals, connecting with others emotionally, and building personal and professional relationships with others.
The importance of communication for connecting you to others makes it essential that you base your communication choices on the best knowledge you have. No one would consider making a decision about a college major, a future career, or major purchases without first gathering the most trustworthy information available. Communication should be no different. That’s where this book—