Additional Activities for Chapter 5

Use the space provided to answer each question. Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work.

  1. 200.9 200.10

    Verbal Communication in Speeches Research other well-known commencement speeches, such as David Foster Wallace’s “This is Water” speech at Kenyon College or George Saunders’s speech at Syracuse University. Read the transcripts for the speeches, and watch videos if they are available. How do these speakers’ word choices impact their speech? Pick out and list the words, phrases, or sentences that stand out to you. What do you like about them? Dislike?

    Your response has been provisional accepted and will be graded by your instructor.
  2. 200.9 200.10

    Digging into Prejudiced Language Refer to the section on prejudiced language on pp. 127-129. Keeping in mind some of the various forms it can take (sexist, racist, homophobic, ageist, and classist), keep a log for one week of the prejudiced language you hear among your peers and in pop culture (movies, TV shows), or see in the media (news, advertising) and on your social media feeds. Be sure to not only note obvious examples, but also dig deep into the prejudiced language that may be more subtle (“Hispanic doctor” or “male nurse”). How many examples did you see and hear during the week? Share your findings with your classmates and discuss ways you can minimize the prejudiced language you experience.

    Your response has been provisional accepted and will be graded by your instructor.