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Conflicts Through Technology Think about any conflicts that may have arisen while communicating with someone through technology, such as texts, e-mails, or social media posts. Keeping in mind the details of what occurred, make a list of ways the conflict would have been different if it had occurred face-to-face. Do you think you or the other person in the conflict would have taken a different approach to managing the conflict (accommodation rather than competition, for example)? Did an empathy deficit contribute to the conflict? How? Were there any advantages of managing the conflict through technology, rather than face-to-face? If so, what were they? In your opinion, do you think it is better to manage conflict face-to-face or through texts and e-mails?
Power in Conflict As we discussed on p. 197, the power a person has can determine the approaches taken to manage conflicts, along with their outcomes. With a partner, think of at least five relationships in which one person holds the power (teacher and students, coach and players, boss and employee, etc.). Remember to consider all types of power discussed in the chapter and refer to Table 8.1 on p. 198. Then, brainstorm situations where one person would use their power to approach and resolve a conflict. What would the situation look like if the person didn’t use their power to their advantage?