Additional Activities for Chapter 9

Use the space provided to answer each question. Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work.

  1. 200.17 200.18

    Stages of Your Relationships Pick three friendships or other relationships from different times of your life—your childhood, teenage years, or college years, for example. Looking back to Knapp’s 10 relationship stages discussed earlier in this chapter, draw a diagram with key moments in each of these relationships that show the different positive or negative stages. What stage of the relationship are you in now? Where do you see the relationship going, if anywhere?

    Your response has been provisional accepted and will be graded by your instructor.
  2. 200.17 200.18

    Factors Influencing Your Relationships’ Formations Reread the sections that examine the five factors that influence the formation of relationships (pp. 220-222): proximity, resources, similarity, reciprocal liking, and physical attractiveness. Do you have any relationships that have formed as a direct result of these factors? Have you experienced the mere exposure effect, the birds-of-a-feather effect, or the beautiful-is-good effect? Make a chart that shows several of your current relationships that formed as a result of these effects. Have any of these relationships terminated when the factor or effect was not in play? For example, have any of your friendships with people who lived close to you terminated when you no longer lived close to each other?

    Your response has been provisional accepted and will be graded by your instructor.