Because it uses multiple channels, nonverbal communication conveys more meaning than verbal communication. However, it also works with verbal communication to create messages.
According to some studies, men and women actually do differ in their use of nonverbal expression. Similarly, display rules vary from culture to culture, and high-
The different types of nonverbal communication include kinesics, vocalics, haptics, proxemics, appearance, and environmental features.
Nonverbal messages serve a host of functions: conveying meaning; presenting affect displays; creating self-
Knowing how to use nonverbal behaviors, when to control them, and how to interpret others’ use of them will help you communicate competently in any situation.
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Communicating Deception
Write down four facts about yourself and your background (hometown, major, profession, personal interests and activities, family history, significant memories). Two of these facts should be true, and two should be false (i.e., two “facts” are made up or lies). In a small group, present these “facts” to your classmates. While others in your group are presenting, note which “facts” you think are truths and which are lies based on the presenters’ nonverbal communication. Afterwards, check the accuracy of your observations as well as which facts about you your classmates thought were false. What nonverbal signals seemed more deceptive? Were there any common deceptive expressions in the group? How did your observations align with the chapter content on deception and nonverbal communication (pp. 154–155)?
Eye Contact and Intimacy
To test how intimacy is fostered by nonverbal communication, pair up with a classmate you don’t know. This activity is timed, so have a phone or watch ready to count 60 seconds. Stand face-