Affiliations you have with professional peers, supervisors, subordinates, or mentors are workplace relationships. These involvements vary along three dimensions: status, intimacy, and choice (Sias & Perry, 2004). First, most workplaces are structured hierarchically in terms of status, with some people ranked higher or lower than others in organizational position and power. Thus, a defining feature of workplace relationships is the equality or inequality of relationship partners. For example, you may work side by side every day with your coworker Katelyn, doing food prep, inventory, and cleanup in a restaurant. But if Katelyn is also your supervisor—
Workplace relationships also vary in intimacy. Some remain strictly professional, with interpersonal communication restricted to work-
No matter the type of work environment, the relationships you have at work are defined by status, intimacy, and choice.
Finally, workplace relationships are defined by varying degrees of choice—