The following scenario will enhance your ability to communicate with a group member who is being difficult. As you watch the first video, recall what you’ve learned about social loafing, egocentric roles, and competent small group communication. Then complete the Your Turn prompts. Finally, watch the Take Two! video to explore how this scenario could have gone differently.
1. The Problem
As an assignment for her human communication course, Maeve is part of a group that is making a 15-minute presentation explaining the cultural factors that influence communication. One group member, Paul, did not prepare his slides for the meeting in which the group is putting together the final presentation. Maeve is irritated that Paul doesn’t seem to be doing his share of the work, so she decides to confront him.
2. Your Turn
Observations. Reflect on how Maeve and Paul communicated in this scenario by answering the following questions:
- Which character do you identify with more in this situation? How would you feel if you were in his or her situation?
- Where were the missed opportunities to practice competent communication?
Discussion. In class or with a partner, share your thoughts about the interaction between Maeve and Paul and work to answer the following questions:
- Can you understand both perspectives?
- What could Paul and Maeve have done differently?
3. Take Two!
What if things had gone differently? Watch the Take Two! video to see one possible example of how the conversation might have gone if Paul and/or Maeve had communicated differently. As you watch the video, consider where the dialog reflects communication competence. After watching the video, answer the questions below:
- Did Paul and/or Maeve take advantage of opportunities that they missed in the first scenario? Which ones?
- Did their different actions result in a more productive encounter? Please explain.