The following scenario will enhance your ability to effectively manage a question-and-answer session after a speech. As you watch the first video, recall what you’ve learned about citing sources in your speech. Then complete the Your Turn prompts. Finally, watch the Take Two! video to explore how this scenario could have gone differently.
1. The Problem
Jason delivers an informative speech to his communication class. Drawing on social science research, he explains why some online videos posted by ordinary people go viral and are seen by millions. After he concludes his speech, he has time to answer questions from the audience.
2. Your Turn
Observations. Reflect on how Jason and Kate communicated in this scenario by answering the following questions:
- Which character do you identify with more in this situation? How would you feel if you were in their situation?
- Where were the missed opportunities to practice competent communication?
Discussion. In class or with a partner, share your thoughts about the interaction between Jason and Kate and work to answer the following questions:
- Could Kate have phrased her question more competently? If so, how?
- How can Jason respond competently to Kate’s question?
3. Take Two!
Watch the Take Two! video to see one possible example of how things might have gone differently. As you watch the video, consider where the dialog reflects communication competence. After watching the video, answer the questions below:
- Did Jason and/or the audience members take advantage of opportunities that they missed in the first scenario? Which ones?
- Did their different actions result in a more productive question-and-answer session? Please explain.