After reading the selection from About Men, choose the best answer to each question. Click the submit button when finished. The following questions refer to the entire essay.
The quotation marks around the phrases “‘strong and silent,’” “‘rides away into the sunset,’” and “‘a rugged individualist’” in paragraph 1 are used to indicate which of the following?
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In context, all of the following phrases or sentences express a direct contradiction between the popular conception of cowboys and the reality of being a cowboy EXCEPT
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E. |
The sentence that begins “The iconic myth” (par. 2) implies which of the following? I. Images of cowboys have become religious figures. II. Specific conventional stories and expectations define popular perceptions of cowboys.III. Cowboys symbolize a particular set of American values.
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In context, the word “perverted” in the sentence “Such ideas have perverted manliness into a self-absorbed race for cheap thrills” (par. 2) is BEST interpreted to mean
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E. |
The opening paragraph of the passage is characterized by
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The central contrast in the two sentences in paragraph 2 that begin with “The iconic myth...” and end with “...another rider” is between
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E. |
Based on the surrounding context, the sentence “Their lips pucker up, not with kisses but with immutability” (par. 7) expresses the incompatibility between cowboys’
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The sentence that begins “Because these men” (par. 8) is an example of
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