What is the purpose of John Hale’s opening paragraph? Why does he include so many quotations from the Bible?
Exploring the Text: - What is the purpose of John Hale’s opening paragraph? Why does he include so many quotations from the Bible?
In the following paragraphs, Hale details why he believes he is qualified “for this undertaking” (par. 3). What are the grounds he describes to establish his ethos with his Puritan audience?
Exploring the Text: - In the following paragraphs, Hale details why he believes he is qualified “for this undertaking” (par. 3). What are the grounds he describes to establish his ethos with his Puritan audience?
Why does Hale emphasize from the outset that this discourse in the aftermath of the Salem Witch Trials must proceed “by strength of argument” (par. 8)?
Exploring the Text: - Why does Hale emphasize from the outset that this discourse in the aftermath of the Salem Witch Trials must proceed “by strength of argument” (par. 8)?
What does Hale mean by the “misguided zeal of our Predecessors” (par. 15)? Is this description sufficiently strong for the occasion, or should he have used a more condemnatory phrase?
Exploring the Text: - What does Hale mean by the “misguided zeal of our Predecessors” (par. 15)? Is this description sufficiently strong for the occasion, or should he have used a more condemnatory phrase?
While Hale is concerned with the larger theological issues of repentance and redemption, he also recommends some very practical measures to prevent further suffering of individuals within the community. What are these?
Exploring the Text: - While Hale is concerned with the larger theological issues of repentance and redemption, he also recommends some very practical measures to prevent further suffering of individuals within the community. What are these?
What does Hale mean in this statement, “A dwarf upon a giants shoulders, can see farther than the giant” (par. 19)?
Exploring the Text: - What does Hale mean in this statement, “A dwarf upon a giants shoulders, can see farther than the giant” (par. 19)?
What was the “glorious enterprize” that Hale reminds his readers of at the end (par. 20)? Why does he raise this point near the end of his text?
Exploring the Text: - What was the “glorious enterprize” that Hale reminds his readers of at the end (par. 20)? Why does he raise this point near the end of his text?
Historians emphasize the anguish Hale felt about the witch hunt, the trials, and, most of all, the executions. Where in this text do you find evidence of his personal regret?
Exploring the Text: - Historians emphasize the anguish Hale felt about the witch hunt, the trials, and, most of all, the executions. Where in this text do you find evidence of his personal regret?
Reverend John Hale wrote this apologia not in the heat of debate or battle but as a reflection. In it he fully acknowledges the burden he and other leaders must bear for the hysteria, the division, and the executions. What rhetorical strategies does he employ in this document to promote healing within the community of Salem? Include in your analysis a discussion of his tone in this document.
Exploring the Text: - Reverend John Hale wrote this apologia not in the heat of debate or battle but as a reflection. In it he fully acknowledges the burden he and other leaders must bear for the hysteria, the division, and the executions. What rhetorical strategies does he employ in this document to promote healing within the community of Salem? Include in your analysis a discussion of his tone in this document.