American Lung Association, Sandwich. Snack. Arsenic. (advertisement, 2011)

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Sandwich. Snack. Arsenic.

American Lung Association

The following 2011 public service announcement (PSA) is by the American Lung Association, an organization dedicated to improving lung health and preventing lung disease.

Courtesy of the American Lung Association

Caption reads:

A new report, Toxic Air: The Case for Cleaning up Cool-fired Power Plants, from the American Lung Association finds that coal-fired power plants in the U.S. expose our kids to 386,000 tons of 84 dangerous pollutants, like mercury, arsenic, hydrogen chloride and formaldehyde. Many of these pollutants trigger asthma attacks in kids.

We can put a stop of those threats. In fact, many power plants already use technology to clean up hazardous pollution before it gets in the air. It’s time for the EPA to make sure all power plants do.

Then we can all breathe a little easier.