Keeping in mind that this document is a translation from the original Spanish, how is the Catholic Church and its authority characterized? Cite specific language choices.
Questions: - Keeping in mind that this document is a translation from the original Spanish, how is the Catholic Church and its authority characterized? Cite specific language choices.
What are the terms that the Requierimiento offers to the indigenous populations if they “acknowledge the Church as the ruler and superior of the whole world” (par. 4) and thus accept the authority of the pope and the king and queen of Spain as his surrogates?
Questions: - What are the terms that the Requierimiento offers to the indigenous populations if they “acknowledge the Church as the ruler and superior of the whole world” (par. 4) and thus accept the authority of the pope and the king and queen of Spain as his surrogates?
What are the promised consequences if the indigenous populations do not accept this authority?
Questions: - What are the promised consequences if the indigenous populations do not accept this authority?
This document may be viewed as a series of claims, assumptions, and conclusions. Outline the logical structure of the argument. As you do this, remember the distinction between logical validity and truth.
Questions: - This document may be viewed as a series of claims, assumptions, and conclusions. Outline the logical structure of the argument. As you do this, remember the distinction between logical validity and truth.