
Printed Page 286
  1. What details—such as composition, color, demeanor, action—give this portrayal of Columbus its heroic qualities? What details suggest a triumphant conquest?


    Questions: - What details—such as composition, color, demeanor, action—give this portrayal of Columbus its heroic qualities? What details suggest a triumphant conquest?
  2. What symbolic elements do you note in the painting? Consider the royal banner of Aragon and Castile, which Columbus raises in his left hand, along with other symbols of church and state.


    Questions: - What symbolic elements do you note in the painting? Consider the royal banner of Aragon and Castile, which Columbus raises in his left hand, along with other symbols of church and state.
  3. Where and how are the native West Indians positioned in the painting? How are they depicted?


    Questions: - Where and how are the native West Indians positioned in the painting? How are they depicted?
  4. Based on this painting alone, complete one of these statements: “Columbus’s landing in the New World was a moment of ____________________________.” (or) “Columbus’s landing in the West Indies heralded _________________________.” Explain your statement, referring to specific elements in the painting to support your position.


    Questions: - Based on this painting alone, complete one of these statements: “Columbus’s landing in the New World was a moment of ____________________________.” (or) “Columbus’s landing in the West Indies heralded _________________________.” Explain your statement, referring to specific elements in the painting to support your position.
  5. Analyze the painting rhetorically. As part of your discussion, consider that the painting was commissioned for a specific place and time, make note of who the primary and secondary audiences were, and review the historical context of the 1830s.


    Questions: - Analyze the painting rhetorically. As part of your discussion, consider that the painting was commissioned for a specific place and time, make note of who the primary and secondary audiences were, and review the historical context of the 1830s.