
Printed Pages 333-334
  1. Paula Gunn Allen discusses the four names of the person we know as Pocahontas. She comments: “That modern peoples know her only as a child says a great deal about white–American Indian relations, and it reveals volumes about Anglo-European consciousness” (par. 2). What does that fact say, and what are the volumes she suggests that it speaks?


    Questions: - Paula Gunn Allen discusses the four names of the person we know as Pocahontas. She comments: “That modern peoples know her only as a child says a great deal about white–American Indian relations, and it reveals volumes about Anglo-European consciousness” (par. 2). What does that fact say, and what are the volumes she suggests that it speaks?
  2. Allen writes, “If we were to keep to the cultural customs of the subject, we would refer to Pocahontas as Lady Rebecca” (par. 4). Why don’t we refer to her by her proper name? What does that suggest about how we use the story of Pocahontas?


    Questions: - Allen writes, “If we were to keep to the cultural customs of the subject, we would refer to Pocahontas as Lady Rebecca” (par. 4). Why don’t we refer to her by her proper name? What does that suggest about how we use the story of Pocahontas?
  3. How does Allen characterize the “story of Pocahontas” in paragraphs 6 and 7? Is that how you view the story? Explain.


    Questions: - How does Allen characterize the “story of Pocahontas” in paragraphs 6 and 7? Is that how you view the story? Explain.
  4. Consider Allen’s diction where she writes that the English Christians were “aided and abetted in this noble enterprise” (par. 7). How would you describe the tone created by her choice of language? What is the rhetorical effect of that tone on her account?


    Questions: - Consider Allen’s diction where she writes that the English Christians were “aided and abetted in this noble enterprise” (par. 7). How would you describe the tone created by her choice of language? What is the rhetorical effect of that tone on her account?
  5. What is the “chain of events” that Allen claims Pocahontas “set in motion” (par. 9)? Do you agree that she could be responsible for so much? How does Allen’s account differ from others with which you are familiar?


    Questions: - What is the “chain of events” that Allen claims Pocahontas “set in motion” (par. 9)? Do you agree that she could be responsible for so much? How does Allen’s account differ from others with which you are familiar?