
Printed Page 503
  1. How does the information in the headnote contribute to understanding John Fea’s ethos? How does that knowledge influence your response to this selection?


    Questions: - How does the information in the headnote contribute to understanding John Fea’s ethos? How does that knowledge influence your response to this selection?
  2. According to Fea, what was the purpose of the Treaty of Tripoli? What was the intent of the statement, “The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion”?


    Questions: - According to Fea, what was the purpose of the Treaty of Tripoli? What was the intent of the statement, “The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion”?
  3. Fea writes, “If the Treaty of Tripoli is correct, and the United States was not ‘founded on the Christian religion,’ then someone forgot to tell the American people” (par. 3), and he characterizes America as a Christian nation. How can we reconcile the two positions? Explain.


    Questions: - Fea writes, “If the Treaty of Tripoli is correct, and the United States was not ‘founded on the Christian religion,’ then someone forgot to tell the American people” (par. 3), and he characterizes America as a Christian nation. How can we reconcile the two positions? Explain.
  4. How does Fea characterize the relationship between religion and the First Amendment? What are the implications of his two concluding sentences?


    Questions: - How does Fea characterize the relationship between religion and the First Amendment? What are the implications of his two concluding sentences?
  5. How would you paraphrase Fea’s position? What does it suggest about religious tolerance in America today?


    Questions: - How would you paraphrase Fea’s position? What does it suggest about religious tolerance in America today?
  6. What is the rhetorical effect of Fea’s footnotes?


    Questions: - What is the rhetorical effect of Fea’s footnotes?