Exploring the Text

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  1. What ethos does Abigail Adams establish in the opening paragraph? How do the questions contribute to the persona she presents?


    Exploring the Text: - What ethos does Abigail Adams establish in the opening paragraph? How do the questions contribute to the persona she presents?
  2. Abigail describes Boston in considerable detail. What is the general impression she tries to convey? Why do you think she chose the details she did?


    Exploring the Text: - Abigail describes Boston in considerable detail. What is the general impression she tries to convey? Why do you think she chose the details she did?
  3. When Abigail exhorts John Adams to “Remember the Ladies,” she also points out that “all Men would be tyrants if they could” (par. 9) and that “your Sex are Naturally Tyrannical” (par. 10). How does she make such statements without sounding accusatory or alienating her husband? Explain.


    Exploring the Text: - When Abigail exhorts John Adams to “Remember the Ladies,” she also points out that “all Men would be tyrants if they could” (par. 9) and that “your Sex are Naturally Tyrannical” (par. 10). How does she make such statements without sounding accusatory or alienating her husband? Explain.
  4. When John tells Abigail that he “cannot but laugh” (par. 17) at her suggestions for laws, is he dismissing her? Is he disrespectful to her? Explain.


    Exploring the Text: - When John tells Abigail that he “cannot but laugh” (par. 17) at her suggestions for laws, is he dismissing her? Is he disrespectful to her? Explain.
  5. Is the last paragraph of John’s letter written tongue in cheek, or is he serious? What does he mean by “the Despotism of the Peticoat” (par. 19)? How do you interpret this ending?


    Exploring the Text: - Is the last paragraph of John’s letter written tongue in cheek, or is he serious? What does he mean by “the Despotism of the Peticoat” (par. 19)? How do you interpret this ending?
  6. Describe the overall tone of each of these letters. Based on the tone and the information in the letters, describe the relationship between John and Abigail Adams. What evidence of intimacy do you find in each letter?


    Exploring the Text: - Describe the overall tone of each of these letters. Based on the tone and the information in the letters, describe the relationship between John and Abigail Adams. What evidence of intimacy do you find in each letter?
  7. Imagine that Abigail and John Adams had access to e-mail, and rewrite these two letters as e-mail correspondence.


    Exploring the Text: - Imagine that Abigail and John Adams had access to e-mail, and rewrite these two letters as e-mail correspondence.