Exploring the Text

Printed Page 414
  1. According to the preamble, what are the six reasons that the Constitution should be established? How would you list them in order of priority? Why?


    Exploring the Text: - According to the preamble, what are the six reasons that the Constitution should be established? How would you list them in order of priority? Why?
  2. What is the significance of beginning with the phrase “We the people”?


    Exploring the Text: - What is the significance of beginning with the phrase “We the people”?
  3. How would you paraphrase each of the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights?


    Exploring the Text: - How would you paraphrase each of the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights?
  4. Notice that in some of the amendments the language is quite general. Some people might say, for example, that such language as “probable cause” in the Fourth Amendment and “excessive” and “cruel and unusual” in the Eighth Amendment is ambiguous or vague—and certainly open to interpretation. Why do you think the framers were not more specific? Should they have been? Why or why not?


    Exploring the Text: - Notice that in some of the amendments the language is quite general. Some people might say, for example, that such language as “probable cause” in the Fourth Amendment and “excessive” and “cruel and unusual” in the Eighth Amendment is ambiguous or vague—and certainly open to interpretation. Why do you think the framers were not more specific? Should they have been? Why or why not?
  5. Which three or four amendments in the Bill of Rights seem most important to you? Why?


    Exploring the Text: - Which three or four amendments in the Bill of Rights seem most important to you? Why?