Making Connections

Printed Pages 367-368

Making Connections

  1. Why would D. H. Lawrence, an iconic British modernist writer, react so vehemently to the work of Benjamin Franklin, an American writer from more than a century earlier?


    Making Connections: - Why would D. H. Lawrence, an iconic British modernist writer, react so vehemently to the work of Benjamin Franklin, an American writer from more than a century earlier?
  2. Whose list of virtues appeals more to you, Franklin’s or Lawrence’s? Which one speaks more clearly and cogently to our time? Why?


    Making Connections: - Whose list of virtues appeals more to you, Franklin’s or Lawrence’s? Which one speaks more clearly and cogently to our time? Why?
  3. Lawrence responded to Franklin. Now respond to both of them by making your own list. Which of Franklin’s virtues would you keep? Would you delete any? What order would they be in? How much would Lawrence’s list affect your thinking?


    Making Connections: - Lawrence responded to Franklin. Now respond to both of them by making your own list. Which of Franklin’s virtues would you keep? Would you delete any? What order would they be in? How much would Lawrence’s list affect your thinking?
  4. Franklin and Lawrence take very different perspectives regarding moral virtue. Do you believe in the perfectibility of man’s moral virtues, or do you think it is a “dreary theme”? Explain.


    Making Connections: - Franklin and Lawrence take very different perspectives regarding moral virtue. Do you believe in the perfectibility of man’s moral virtues, or do you think it is a “dreary theme”? Explain.
  5. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1925 novel, The Great Gatsby, Gatsby’s father, Mr. Gatz, finds in his son’s childhood copy of a book called Hopalong Cassidy the printed word schedule and the date September 12, 1906. And underneath:
    Rise from bed 6.00 a.m.
    Dumbbell exercise and wall-scaling 6.15–6.30 "
    Study electricity, etc. 7.15–8.15 "
    Work 8.30–4.30 p.m.
    Baseball and sports 4.30–5.00 "
    Practice elocution, poise and how to attain it 5.00–6.00 "
    Study needed inventions 7.00–9.00 "


    No wasting time at Shatters or [a name, indecipherable]

    No more smokeing or chewing.

    Bath every other day

    Read one improving book or magazine per week

    Save $5.00 [crossed out] $3.00 per week

    Be better to parents

    What is Fitzgerald’s purpose in revealing Gatsby as a child having been influenced by Benjamin Franklin? Which writer, Lawrence or Fitzgerald, provides the more effective response to Franklin? Explain.


    Making Connections: - In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1925 novel, The Great Gatsby, Gatsby’s father, Mr. Gatz, finds in his son’s childhood copy of a book called Hopalong Cassidy the printed word schedule and the date September 12, 1906. And underneath:GENERAL RESOLVESNo wasting time at Shatters or [a name, indecipherable]No more smokeing or chewing.Bath every other dayRead one improving book or magazine per weekSave $5.00 [crossed out] $3.00 per weekBe better to parentsWhat is Fitzgerald’s purpose in revealing Gatsby as a child having been influenced by Benjamin Franklin? Which writer, Lawrence or Fitzgerald, provides the more effective response to Franklin? Explain.