Entering the Conversation

Printed Pages 755-757

As you respond to each of the following prompts, support your position with appropriate evidence, including at least three sources in this Conversation on John Brown, unless otherwise indicated.

  1. Taken together, these sources present a survey of the controversy surrounding John Brown. Using a minimum of four of them, explain what the main points of contention and interpretations are and how each is supported.


    Entering the Conversation: - Taken together, these sources present a survey of the controversy surrounding John Brown. Using a minimum of four of them, explain what the main points of contention and interpretations are and how each is supported.
  2. In these source materials and others, Brown is referred to in numerous ways: “freedom’s martyr,” “an American hero,” “noble abolitionist,” “misguided fanatic,” “anarchy incarnate,” “heroic liberator,” “deranged cultist,” “cold-blooded terrorist,” “angel of light.” Using at least three of the sources, including one of the primary documents by Brown, develop and support your own characterization of John Brown.


    Entering the Conversation: - In these source materials and others, Brown is referred to in numerous ways: “freedom’s martyr,” “an American hero,” “noble abolitionist,” “misguided fanatic,” “anarchy incarnate,” “heroic liberator,” “deranged cultist,” “cold-blooded terrorist,” “angel of light.” Using at least three of the sources, including one of the primary documents by Brown, develop and support your own characterization of John Brown.
  3. In his Address at the Fourteenth Anniversary of Storer College in Harpers Ferry (May 30, 1881), Frederick Douglass described Brown as follows: “To the outward eye of men, John Brown was a criminal, but to their inward eye he was a just man and true. His deeds might be disowned, but the spirit which made those deeds possible was worthy [of] highest honor.” Explain why you agree or disagree with Douglass’s assessment; cite at least three sources to support your position.


    Entering the Conversation: - In his Address at the Fourteenth Anniversary of Storer College in Harpers Ferry (May 30, 1881), Frederick Douglass described Brown as follows: “To the outward eye of men, John Brown was a criminal, but to their inward eye he was a just man and true. His deeds might be disowned, but the spirit which made those deeds possible was worthy [of] highest honor.” Explain why you agree or disagree with Douglass’s assessment; cite at least three sources to support your position.
  4. Central to the controversy about John Brown is the extent to which violence can ever be justified. Explain when, if ever, you believe that violent actions are appropriate or necessary. Do you believe that “principled violence,” as Ken Chowder describes it, exists?


    Entering the Conversation: - Central to the controversy about John Brown is the extent to which violence can ever be justified. Explain when, if ever, you believe that violent actions are appropriate or necessary. Do you believe that “principled violence,” as Ken Chowder describes it, exists?
  5. The legend of John Brown, to some degree, was created by the popular images, poems, and songs about him. Research one of these and discuss how it supports or challenges at least three of the views of Brown presented in the sources here.


    Entering the Conversation: - The legend of John Brown, to some degree, was created by the popular images, poems, and songs about him. Research one of these and discuss how it supports or challenges at least three of the views of Brown presented in the sources here.
  6. Nicole Etcheson, history professor at Ball State University, concludes her article “John Brown, Terrorist?” (American Nineteenth Century History, March 2009) with a comparison of Brown and Abraham Lincoln:

    While still a candidate for president, Abraham Lincoln repudiated Brown’s attack on Harpers Ferry. He agreed with Brown “in thinking slavery wrong,” but “that cannot excuse violence, bloodshed, and treason.” Ironically, Lincoln would preside over a war that accomplished Brown’s goals—the abolition of slavery—although by even greater violence. Lincoln’s Second Inaugural, which warned that the war might continue “until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword,” echoes Brown’s own belief that the crimes of this guilty land would be purged with blood. And Lincoln agreed with Brown about the sinfulness of slavery, the awfulness of God’s judgment on the nation, and the redemptive power of blood sacrifice. No one, however, characterizes Abraham Lincoln’s views as terrorism. Instead, we acknowledge such views as those of a chief of state during a terrible and bloody civil conflict that liberated the nation from a heinous institution. Were Brown’s aims so different from Lincoln’s?

    Write a response to Etcheson’s final question, based on your knowledge of Lincoln and at least three sources in this Conversation.


    Entering the Conversation: - Nicole Etcheson, history professor at Ball State University, concludes her article “John Brown, Terrorist?” (American Nineteenth Century History, March 2009) with a comparison of Brown and Abraham Lincoln:While still a candidate for president, Abraham Lincoln repudiated Brown’s attack on Harpers Ferry. He agreed with Brown “in thinking slavery wrong,” but “that cannot excuse violence, bloodshed, and treason.” Ironically, Lincoln would preside over a war that accomplished Brown’s goals—the abolition of slavery—although by even greater violence. Lincoln’s Second Inaugural, which warned that the war might continue “until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword,” echoes Brown’s own belief that the crimes of this guilty land would be purged with blood. And Lincoln agreed with Brown about the sinfulness of slavery, the awfulness of God’s judgment on the nation, and the redemptive power of blood sacrifice. No one, however, characterizes Abraham Lincoln’s views as terrorism. Instead, we acknowledge such views as those of a chief of state during a terrible and bloody civil conflict that liberated the nation from a heinous institution. Were Brown’s aims so different from Lincoln’s?Write a response to Etcheson’s final question, based on your knowledge of Lincoln and at least three sources in this Conversation.
  7. The Quaker poet John Greenleaf Whittier wrote the following poem valorizing Brown three weeks after his death:

    John Brown of Ossawatomie spake on his dying day:

    “I will not have to shrive my soul a priest in Slavery’s pay.

    But let some poor slave-mother whom I have striven to free,

    With her children, from the gallows-stair put up a prayer for me!”

    John Brown of Ossawatomie, they led him out to die;

    And lo! a poor slave-mother with her little child pressed nigh.

    Then the bold, blue eye grew tender, and the old harsh face grew mild,

    As he stooped between the jeering ranks and kissed the negro’s child!

    The shadows of his stormy life that moment fell apart;

    And they who blamed the bloody hand forgave the loving heart.

    That kiss from all its guilty means redeemed the good intent,

    And round the grisly fighter’s hair the martyr’s aureole bent!

    Perish with him the folly that seeks through evil good!

    Long live the generous purpose unstained with human blood!

    Not the raid of midnight terror, but the thought which underlies;

    Not the borderer’s pride of daring, but the Christian’s sacrifice.

    Nevermore may yon Blue Ridges the Northern rifle hear,

    Nor see the light of blazing homes flash on the negro’s spear.

    But let the free-winged angel Truth their guarded passes scale,

    To teach that right is more than might, and justice more than mail!

    So vainly shall Virginia set her battle in array;

    In vain her trampling squadrons knead the winter snow with clay.

    She may strike the pouncing eagle, but she dares not harm the dove;

    And every gate she bars to Hate shall open wide to Love!

    The poem is based on the same newspaper account of Brown’s final moments as Thomas Hovenden’s painting is thought to have been. Discuss the similarities and differences between the two depictions of Brown in the painting and the poem, and explain how these depictions reflect attitudes toward Brown examined in two of the sources.


    Entering the Conversation: - The Quaker poet John Greenleaf Whittier wrote the following poem valorizing Brown three weeks after his death:John Brown of Ossawatomie spake on his dying day:“I will not have to shrive my soul a priest in Slavery’s pay.But let some poor slave-mother whom I have striven to free,With her children, from the gallows-stair put up a prayer for me!”John Brown of Ossawatomie, they led him out to die;And lo! a poor slave-mother with her little child pressed nigh.Then the bold, blue eye grew tender, and the old harsh face grew mild,As he stooped between the jeering ranks and kissed the negro’s child!The shadows of his stormy life that moment fell apart;And they who blamed the bloody hand forgave the loving heart.That kiss from all its guilty means redeemed the good intent,And round the grisly fighter’s hair the martyr’s aureole bent!Perish with him the folly that seeks through evil good!Long live the generous purpose unstained with human blood!Not the raid of midnight terror, but the thought which underlies;Not the borderer’s pride of daring, but the Christian’s sacrifice.Nevermore may yon Blue Ridges the Northern rifle hear,Nor see the light of blazing homes flash on the negro’s spear.But let the free-winged angel Truth their guarded passes scale,To teach that right is more than might, and justice more than mail!So vainly shall Virginia set her battle in array;In vain her trampling squadrons knead the winter snow with clay.She may strike the pouncing eagle, but she dares not harm the dove;And every gate she bars to Hate shall open wide to Love!The poem is based on the same newspaper account of Brown’s final moments as Thomas Hovenden’s painting is thought to have been. Discuss the similarities and differences between the two depictions of Brown in the painting and the poem, and explain how these depictions reflect attitudes toward Brown examined in two of the sources.