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  1. How would you paraphrase the narrative sequence depicted in the twelve frames?


    Questions: - How would you paraphrase the narrative sequence depicted in the twelve frames?
  2. Imagine that you are living in the time depicted in one of the frames. In a letter to someone living in an earlier frame, write about the progress the country has made. Or, write a warning to future generations who might occupy later frames.


    Questions: - Imagine that you are living in the time depicted in one of the frames. In a letter to someone living in an earlier frame, write about the progress the country has made. Or, write a warning to future generations who might occupy later frames.
  3. What can you infer about Robert Crumb’s attitude toward the progress depicted in the cartoon? Do you agree with his perspective? Why or why not?


    Questions: - What can you infer about Robert Crumb’s attitude toward the progress depicted in the cartoon? Do you agree with his perspective? Why or why not?
  4. Write an answer to the question “What next?” posed at the end of the final frame. Then create your own visual that supports your response. You can create your visual in one of three ways: draw the next frame or sequence of frames, take photos that depict the next frame or sequence, or find images online or in magazines that do so.


    Questions: - Write an answer to the question “What next?” posed at the end of the final frame. Then create your own visual that supports your response. You can create your visual in one of three ways: draw the next frame or sequence of frames, take photos that depict the next frame or sequence, or find images online or in magazines that do so.
  5. Which frame most accurately depicts a scene contemporaneous to Thoreau’s time? Explain.


    Questions: - Which frame most accurately depicts a scene contemporaneous to Thoreau’s time? Explain.
  6. Select three frames from the cartoon sequence. For each one, find a quotation from Walden that could serve as a caption for the cartoon. Explain the reasons for your choices.


    Questions: - Select three frames from the cartoon sequence. For each one, find a quotation from Walden that could serve as a caption for the cartoon. Explain the reasons for your choices.