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  1. Do you think that Americans work too much, as Sue Monk Kidd suggests? Is there “a kind of loitering that is good for us” (par. 7)? Should we slow down, contemplate, and sometimes “do nothing,” as she recommends?


    Questions: - Do you think that Americans work too much, as Sue Monk Kidd suggests? Is there “a kind of loitering that is good for us” (par. 7)? Should we slow down, contemplate, and sometimes “do nothing,” as she recommends?
  2. Kidd says that Thoreau’s Walden and Chopin’s The Awakening were the books that made the strongest impressions on her when she was an adolescent. Which books have done that for you? From what you have read of Walden, how likely is it that it might be an important book for you?


    Questions: - Kidd says that Thoreau’s Walden and Chopin’s The Awakening were the books that made the strongest impressions on her when she was an adolescent. Which books have done that for you? From what you have read of Walden, how likely is it that it might be an important book for you?
  3. In paragraph 3, Kidd quotes a famous passage from Walden: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to…see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” How does this particular statement express Kidd’s purpose in her own life? Explain.


    Questions: - In paragraph 3, Kidd quotes a famous passage from Walden: “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to…see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” How does this particular statement express Kidd’s purpose in her own life? Explain.
  4. Kidd writes, “It’s clear to me that the human soul is meant to move at a much slower pace than the world around it. When we lose touch with this pace, we can get what has been referred to in medical circles as ‘hurry sickness.’ It shows up in a whole array of symptoms and diseases” (par. 9). Have you experienced “hurry sickness”? Have you observed it? Do you agree with Kidd that slowing down can ameliorate its symptoms? Explain.


    Questions: - Kidd writes, “It’s clear to me that the human soul is meant to move at a much slower pace than the world around it. When we lose touch with this pace, we can get what has been referred to in medical circles as ‘hurry sickness.’ It shows up in a whole array of symptoms and diseases” (par. 9). Have you experienced “hurry sickness”? Have you observed it? Do you agree with Kidd that slowing down can ameliorate its symptoms? Explain.