Making Connections

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Making Connections

  1. How accurately does Anastas represent Ralph Waldo Emerson’s ideas as articulated in “Self-Reliance”?


    Making Connections: - How accurately does Anastas represent Ralph Waldo Emerson’s ideas as articulated in “Self-Reliance”?
  2. Have we in our modern age become too egocentric? And if so, is Emerson to blame? Anastas writes, “The larger problem with the essay, and its more lasting legacy as a cornerstone of American identity, has been Emerson’s tacit endorsement of a radically self-centered worldview” (par. 12). Do you agree with Anastas that an Emersonian view encourages us “to harbor misconceptions” and assures us that it is our right to do so?


    Making Connections: - Have we in our modern age become too egocentric? And if so, is Emerson to blame? Anastas writes, “The larger problem with the essay, and its more lasting legacy as a cornerstone of American identity, has been Emerson’s tacit endorsement of a radically self-centered worldview” (par. 12). Do you agree with Anastas that an Emersonian view encourages us “to harbor misconceptions” and assures us that it is our right to do so?
  3. If he could, how might Emerson respond to “The Foul Reign of Emerson’s ‘Self-Reliance’”? Write a reply to Anastas in Emerson’s voice.


    Making Connections: - If he could, how might Emerson respond to “The Foul Reign of Emerson’s ‘Self-Reliance’”? Write a reply to Anastas in Emerson’s voice.
  4. According to Anastas, what are some of the ills that plague modern life and discourse in America? Do you agree with his view? Would Emerson? Why or why not?


    Making Connections: - According to Anastas, what are some of the ills that plague modern life and discourse in America? Do you agree with his view? Would Emerson? Why or why not?
  5. Emerson concludes “Self-Reliance” by writing, “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.” He implies that reliance on the self is based on a reliance on principles. Based on your reading of the piece by Anastas, do you think he would agree? Find two or three statements from “Self-Reliance” that you think Anastas would approve of. Discuss whether or not Anastas is too dismissive of Emerson.


    Making Connections: - Emerson concludes “Self-Reliance” by writing, “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.” He implies that reliance on the self is based on a reliance on principles. Based on your reading of the piece by Anastas, do you think he would agree? Find two or three statements from “Self-Reliance” that you think Anastas would approve of. Discuss whether or not Anastas is too dismissive of Emerson.
  6. Anastas makes a very strong claim, stating that “Self-Reliance” is “the most pernicious piece of literature in the American canon” (par. 4). If you agree with Anastas, explain why, using specific evidence from Emerson’s text. If you disagree, make a case for what you see as the “most pernicious” text you have had to read. You might imitate Anastas’s rhetoric as you develop your argument. Be sure to refer specifically to the text of the piece you attack.


    Making Connections: - Anastas makes a very strong claim, stating that “Self-Reliance” is “the most pernicious piece of literature in the American canon” (par. 4). If you agree with Anastas, explain why, using specific evidence from Emerson’s text. If you disagree, make a case for what you see as the “most pernicious” text you have had to read. You might imitate Anastas’s rhetoric as you develop your argument. Be sure to refer specifically to the text of the piece you attack.