Exploring the Text

Printed Pages 626-627
  1. How does Sojourner Truth’s opening paragraph set the tone for her speech? Is referring to her audience as “children” likely to antagonize them?


    Exploring the Text: - How does Sojourner Truth’s opening paragraph set the tone for her speech? Is referring to her audience as “children” likely to antagonize them?
  2. What is the effect of her repeated question, “And ain’t I a woman?” How does this question appeal to ethos?


    Exploring the Text: - What is the effect of her repeated question, “And ain’t I a woman?” How does this question appeal to ethos?
  3. What is her appeal in paragraphs 2–5? What would be the effect of omitting any one of her examples? Could their order be changed?


    Exploring the Text: - What is her appeal in paragraphs 2–5? What would be the effect of omitting any one of her examples? Could their order be changed?
  4. What is the ratio of questions to declarative sentences in this speech? What conclusions can you draw from that information? Rewrite Truth’s speech, turning all the questions into statements. Read it aloud. What effect does this change make?


    Exploring the Text: - What is the ratio of questions to declarative sentences in this speech? What conclusions can you draw from that information? Rewrite Truth’s speech, turning all the questions into statements. Read it aloud. What effect does this change make?
  5. Go through the speech and mark the appeals to ethos, logos, and pathos. Discuss one example in which all three coincide.


    Exploring the Text: - Go through the speech and mark the appeals to ethos, logos, and pathos. Discuss one example in which all three coincide.
  6. How does Truth use religion in her speech? Does she risk being accused of blasphemy?


    Exploring the Text: - How does Truth use religion in her speech? Does she risk being accused of blasphemy?
  7. How would you characterize Truth’s presentation of herself in the final sentence?


    Exploring the Text: - How would you characterize Truth’s presentation of herself in the final sentence?