Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Auction Block Monument (1984)

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Historic Fredericksburg Foundation

The following images are from the Historic Fredericksburg Foundation. Fredericksburg, Virginia, located halfway between Washington, D.C., and Richmond, Virginia—the capitals of the Union and the Confederacy, respectively—was the site of the Battle of Fredericksburg (December 11–15, 1862) and the Second Battle of Fredericksburg (May 3, 1863). The first battle resulted in a Confederate victory; the second was won by Union forces. It is the location of the Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park.

Auction Block Monument

This monument, a three-foot-high block of sandstone with a step hewn into one side, stands at the corner of William and Charles Streets, in Fredericksburg, Virginia. It marks the location where auctions of property and of slaves took place. Slaves offered for sale would stand on the block for inspection.

The auction block monument at the corner of William and Charles Streets, Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Courtesy of Franklin Thomas.
The auction block and plaque, which reads “Auction Block, Fredericksburg’s Principal Auction Site in Pre-Civil War Days for Slaves and Property. 1984. HFFI” (Historical Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc.).
Courtesy of Franklin Thomas.