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  1. How does Ira Berlin characterize Abraham Lincoln in the first four paragraphs of his piece?


    Questions: - How does Ira Berlin characterize Abraham Lincoln in the first four paragraphs of his piece?
  2. Berlin writes, “The slaves’ determination had indeed made every policy short of emancipation untenable” (par. 22). What is Berlin implying? What claim does this statement support?


    Questions: - Berlin writes, “The slaves’ determination had indeed made every policy short of emancipation untenable” (par. 22). What is Berlin implying? What claim does this statement support?
  3. Berlin quotes extensively from Lincoln. Select two direct quotations. How effectively does Berlin use them to support his position? Explain.


    Questions: - Berlin quotes extensively from Lincoln. Select two direct quotations. How effectively does Berlin use them to support his position? Explain.
  4. Analyze the argument that Berlin makes in paragraph 23. How convincing is it? Explain.


    Questions: - Analyze the argument that Berlin makes in paragraph 23. How convincing is it? Explain.
  5. What is the relationship between footnotes 16 through 18 and the text of paragraphs 21 and 22? How do they contribute to Berlin’s argument? Be specific.


    Questions: - What is the relationship between footnotes 16 through 18 and the text of paragraphs 21 and 22? How do they contribute to Berlin’s argument? Be specific.
  6. What is the rhetorical purpose of paragraph 26? How does it relate to Berlin’s overall argument? Explain.


    Questions: - What is the rhetorical purpose of paragraph 26? How does it relate to Berlin’s overall argument? Explain.