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  1. In this letter, John Brown writes to his entire immediate family rather than to any one individual, even his wife. How does this collective audience influence the content of his letter?


    Questions: - In this letter, John Brown writes to his entire immediate family rather than to any one individual, even his wife. How does this collective audience influence the content of his letter?
  2. What point is Brown making in this sentence: “Circumstances like my own; for more than a month past; convince me…Vanity worked up to its highest pitch” (par. 2)?


    Questions: - What point is Brown making in this sentence: “Circumstances like my own; for more than a month past; convince me…Vanity worked up to its highest pitch” (par. 2)?
  3. Brown frames much of this letter in terms of the teachings and “the consolations of the Christian religion” (par. 1). Which elements does he emphasize?


    Questions: - Brown frames much of this letter in terms of the teachings and “the consolations of the Christian religion” (par. 1). Which elements does he emphasize?
  4. What practical advice does he impart in the letter?


    Questions: - What practical advice does he impart in the letter?
  5. What warnings does he make?


    Questions: - What warnings does he make?
  6. How would you define the legacy Brown wishes to pass on to his children?


    Questions: - How would you define the legacy Brown wishes to pass on to his children?