
Printed Pages 1027-1028
  1. Why does Joseph Nimmo Jr. open the article with an explanation of the “function” of the cowboy and his “qualifications” rather than with a discussion of the cowboy’s temperament and personality traits? What does this approach suggest about Nimmo’s intended purpose?


    Questions: - Why does Joseph Nimmo Jr. open the article with an explanation of the “function” of the cowboy and his “qualifications” rather than with a discussion of the cowboy’s temperament and personality traits? What does this approach suggest about Nimmo’s intended purpose?
  2. As he develops the article, Nimmo explains to his reading audience, who were largely Easterners at this point in the magazine’s history, the kind of man drawn to the life of the mid-nineteenth-century cowboy. What are these qualities?


    Questions: - As he develops the article, Nimmo explains to his reading audience, who were largely Easterners at this point in the magazine’s history, the kind of man drawn to the life of the mid-nineteenth-century cowboy. What are these qualities?
  3. Nimmo emphasizes the work of the cowboys as a group—“a class of men” (par. 4)—rather than as individuals. Why? What is it that they do as “an important public service” (par. 5)?


    Questions: - Nimmo emphasizes the work of the cowboys as a group—“a class of men” (par. 4)—rather than as individuals. Why? What is it that they do as “an important public service” (par. 5)?
  4. How are Native Americans depicted in this article? What motivation does Nimmo attribute to their actions? Cite specific passages to support your response.


    Questions: - How are Native Americans depicted in this article? What motivation does Nimmo attribute to their actions? Cite specific passages to support your response.
  5. Nimmo builds an argument in this passage about cowboys and violence. What is his major claim? How does he support it? Where does he address counterarguments?


    Questions: - Nimmo builds an argument in this passage about cowboys and violence. What is his major claim? How does he support it? Where does he address counterarguments?
  6. How does the diction of this passage suggest a mythic struggle between good and evil? Refer to specific words and images to explain your response. Why do you believe such language would or would not have been persuasive to his audience?


    Questions: - How does the diction of this passage suggest a mythic struggle between good and evil? Refer to specific words and images to explain your response. Why do you believe such language would or would not have been persuasive to his audience?