
Printed Pages 1047-1050
  1. What does Sherman Alexie mean by the statement, “On the reservation, when we played Indians and cowboys, all of us little Skins fought on the same side against the cowboys in our minds” (par. 2)?


    Questions: - What does Sherman Alexie mean by the statement, “On the reservation, when we played Indians and cowboys, all of us little Skins fought on the same side against the cowboys in our minds” (par. 2)?
  2. In this text, Alexie refers to “Manifest Destiny” (pars. 9 and 12). How would you define this term or concept from his perspective?


    Questions: - In this text, Alexie refers to “Manifest Destiny” (pars. 9 and 12). How would you define this term or concept from his perspective?
  3. How do you interpret his assertion that “[e]very frame of the black and white western is a treaty; every scene in this elaborate serial is a promise” (par. 12)?


    Questions: - How do you interpret his assertion that “[e]very frame of the black and white western is a treaty; every scene in this elaborate serial is a promise” (par. 12)?
  4. Violence—physical, emotional, and psychological—pervades this text. Identify examples of each type. What is Alexie’s purpose in invoking violence?


    Questions: - Violence—physical, emotional, and psychological—pervades this text. Identify examples of each type. What is Alexie’s purpose in invoking violence?
  5. Alexie refers to “the cowboys in our minds” (par. 2) and “the reservation of our minds” (par. 14). What is the significance of this division between the external perceived reality of his life and his internal understandings? How do film and references to film stars, such as John Wayne, help the author develop this conflict?


    Questions: - Alexie refers to “the cowboys in our minds” (par. 2) and “the reservation of our minds” (par. 14). What is the significance of this division between the external perceived reality of his life and his internal understandings? How do film and references to film stars, such as John Wayne, help the author develop this conflict?
  6. How does Alexie link the cowboy as symbol with his references to “story”?


    Questions: - How does Alexie link the cowboy as symbol with his references to “story”?
  7. Critic Ron McFarland describes Alexie’s work as “a rhetoric…that reflects pain and anger, a rhetoric that could give way to bitterness. What keeps that from happening and makes the pain and anger bearable for the reader…is not so much the hope, love, and compassion…but humor. Predictably, this humor is rarely gentle or playful (though it can be that at times), but most often satirical.” To what extent do you agree with this assessment? Refer to specifics in the text to support your response.


    Questions: - Critic Ron McFarland describes Alexie’s work as “a rhetoric…that reflects pain and anger, a rhetoric that could give way to bitterness. What keeps that from happening and makes the pain and anger bearable for the reader…is not so much the hope, love, and compassion…but humor. Predictably, this humor is rarely gentle or playful (though it can be that at times), but most often satirical.” To what extent do you agree with this assessment? Refer to specifics in the text to support your response.